Monday, January 26, 2004

Damn you Mother Nature! Who do you think you are, covering Findlay in snow? Don't you know my husband has to get up early and drive to work? The nerve.

Did A1 almost on my own today; I think I'm getting better. You'd have to ask Ted whether I really am or not.

How about a big woo-hoo to "Lord of the Rings" for winning four Golden Globes! Best drama, Peter Jackson won best director, and two musical awards.

How about another big woo-hoo to Cleveland Heights, whose domestic partner registry begins today! I know it's not legal, and it's not the first, but still! It could help late on down the line. Take that Bob Taft!

So I lost two pounds, and then I got PMS and they came back. They're on their way back out though, and they'd damn better take a bunch of their friends with them!!! About 50 of their friends, and then I'd be happy. But just a couple for now would be good.

Sorry, I'm all hopped up for some reason. And I'm having trouble typing, so I'm going away now. I've screwed up about every other word so far, and I just can't take it anymore.

*BURN UPDATE* It hates the snow.

Home page

Friday, January 23, 2004

Wow, I just updated the site, read a bunch of blogs, checked my e-mail, and it's not even 1:30 yet (although it will be past 1:30 by the time this is posted). It feels like I've been sitting here all night.

Have you ever been so full of love for your friends that you just want to call them and tell them how extraordinary they are? I get these moods of sentimentality extreme, and I'm having one tonight. I'm a pretty sappy, sensitive person, but these moods are ridiculous. Oh well, it'll pass. Then I'll be back to the nice but cynical midget that I am.

I have been informed that Mr. Hat is only needed if the entire class gets an A on a test. This means that Mr. Hat will most likely never be needed, but I'm going to make him anyway.

I went to the mall to get some new foundation because I'm almost out, and I need a new shade. The one I've been using is the same tone I used the day of my wedding when I was TAN, and as most people know I am PALE. Somebody at the Clinique counter last time thought it was a good match, and I didn't realize until the next day when I put on my makeup how bad it was. Anyway, the woman there today fixed me up with a good shade. She probably took my makeup off and tried a different color three or four times to find a good one. I've never had anyone be so diligent in helping me. It's probably a little bit because there weren't any other customers, but that's OK. The nicest part, though, was we stood there and talked like old friends for a very long time. She used to work at the Courier in the advertising department, and once she said that it was like the floodgates opened. It was kind of cool. The most pleasant experience I've had at a cosmetics counter.

However, then I stopped at GNC there in the mall, and that guy was an ass. I felt like he thought I was going to steal the box of Atkins bars and other stuff that I wanted to get. I almost told him that I wasn't going to get anything at his store because of his eyeing me. Oh well.

*BURN UPDATE* It's staring at me.

Home page

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Damn that man! No, not the man, that man, Dave. He sprayed catnip spray on one of the cat toys and then went to bed, leaving me to deal with the psychotic aftermath.

I have so many things I'd like to babble about, but I can't seem to decide. Maybe I'll just try to be brief and get them all in.

First, did anyone happen to watch the Maury Povich show on Monday? If you did, then you saw my ex-step-cousin. How, uh, special is that? All I'm gonna say is: it was a paternity test show.

I finished that travel story, and I'm pretty proud of myself. I know that sounds conceited, but I'm an editor, not a writer (because I hate writing) so I thought I did a decent job. I've written a guest column before, but that is so different from a real story. Especially because the column was about Harry Potter, which I adore, and personal, so it was kind of easy to write. If you'd like to read the column, click here. The travel story won't be online, but maybe I'll stick it on here in case anyone wants to read it.

You know one of the things I hate about life? How you can't keep track of some of the people you really want to keep track of, but others just won't frigging go away.

Know what else I hate? The way some politicians make their own prejudices into law. It seems that everybody in the state and local government is in a rush to ban/outlaw gay marriage. Who the hell do they think they are? They don't have any fucking right to decide who's allowed to get married. Not to mention there's this thing called equal rights. I hate to break it to them, but the divorce rate would go down if gay people were allowed to get married. Children of gay marriages would have two loving parents, which everyone is so worried about. It would put us one step closer to actually being a society of equality. I could go on, but I won't. I'm getting too hopped up. This will probably irritate my Republican friends, but depending on who ends up winning the primary, I just may vote Democrat in November. I've got some research to do.

On a lighter note, I'm going to try and make Dave a Mr. Hat puppet (from South Park for those saying what the hell is a Mr. Hat?). I guess he told one of his classes that if they all did well on their next test he'd teach using Mr. Hand one day. I asked where he was going to get said Mr. Hand, and he said he guessed he'd have to try and make one. Since I'm the crafty one, I figure I'll try to make it for him. I'm thinking he'll mainly be made of felt, but we'll see. If he turns out looking anything like Mr. Hat, I'll put a picture on the sight.

And, finally, I love rediscovering CDs. At this very moment I'm listening to a Clay Walker CD that I haven't listened to in years. "Rumor Has It," to be specific. I may throw the other two in later, or I may just keep this one going the whole time. It makes me think of Jen.

*BURN UPDATE* Still there on my scaly dry skin.

Home page

Monday, January 19, 2004

Well dammit, I'm not supposed to put a link in my little blurb! Not fair! Maybe I'll just start putting the site at the end of my stupid ramblings.

Home page
Whew! I can finally refer to the surprise party for the Pammer! I've had to avoid any mention of the birthday so as not to slip up, but I made it! Woo-hoo!

There was a little soiree for my momma's 50th birthday Friday, and boy did we trick her! (Or so she says, anyway) I talked to her right before I "went to work" Friday, then we booked it down to Worthington a bit later. She was a surprised Pammer! She thought Dave and I weren't coming down until Saturday, but we LIED! Mwahahahahahaha!

Saturday Pammer and my Aunt Nancy and I went to the Thurber House in Columbus. Damn if it wasn't boring. No guide for us, just laminated brochures. And the ghost didn't make any noise, either. What the hell am I going to write about? I just don't know. Maybe I'll include the bit about the Kroninger sisters wanting to give James Thurber's mother, Mame, a makeover. Anyway, after the house, we had lunch at the original Schmidt's German restaurant. I had a very spicy Bahama Mama and some tasty potato pancakes, and then the three of us split one of Schmidt's famous cream puffs, and I now know why they're famous - they're damn good!

After lunch we went to the Fudge Haus und gifts (or something like that, I can only remember the "und gifts"), and a little shop called The Red Stable, and then ran away from German Village because the weather was getting nasty.

So, all in all a fun day, but only because of the company. I did get some kick-ass fudge though.

Finished "Lord of the Rings." As I told Sean at work, it's one of the few books with a satisfying ending. It seems like there's always one little loose end that never gets tied up. Like Sean said, "What about that guy that was hanging off the edge of the cliff in Chapter 4? What happened to him?"

Mojo would like you to know he just took a big poop. At least I think that's what he wants. He ran in here from the litter box yowling at me, so I can only assume he wants you to know.

Anyhoo, chances are pretty good that Dave is going to get a two-year contract to teach distance learning classes at BGSU, so as soon as we know for sure, we're going to look for a house to rent somewheres around here so we can get a ... puppy! We're going to take one of my parents' puppies, although by the time we would get to bring him up here, I don't think he'd be a puppy anymore. That's OK though, we'll just go down and see him lots and lots. I'll put some pictures up sometime in the next few days.

BTW, I've been meaning to put a link to the site up in the happy little blurb, and I just noticed MB did that in her blurb. So I just want to say I'm not a copycat, I swear!

Spellcheck wanted to change Kroninger to corniness ... if you know my mom and/or aunt, you'll know why that's so damn amusing!

*BURN UPDATE* Still there.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

I'll start the way I ended the last one: Fat Mojo is demanding attention. Daddy apparently has been asleep for more than an hour so there's been no belly rubs for the big-eyed boy. Damn but he's a crybaby!

So I did A1 today, with much help from Ted, and I am not a happy camper. I know it'll get better, but it gave me a headache today. My computer crashing didn't help things, either. P.O.S.

Ah, but I have the Mojo to make me laugh. Every time he gets done using the litter box he dashes out into the living room like he's gotta get away from the deposit he just made. Just now he had some trouble making it over the pile of shoes by the door, poor boy. Oh, and he yowls very loud once he makes it to the living room, I guess to announce what he's done. What can I say, stupid things amuse me.

Like how I noticed there's a bottle of white-out in the bathroom. Why? I honestly don't know. I'm thinking it got picked up with some other little bottles (nail strengthener, eye drops) that belong in the bathroom. I just don't know, but I found it pretty funny last night.

I got to see Jen for a bit Saturday, woo-hoo!! First Dave and I went to the GFAPA (Greater Findlay Area Press Association) Christmas in January dinner, then Jen got there and we headed home - with Jen of course. We babbled a little, I showed off some of my lame-ass crafts, and we played Simpson's Road Rage. Good times.

I'll be heading down to Columbus this weekend to do a travel story for work, since most of the reporters won't do one. Notable exceptions: Joy and John, thank God for them! See, we have a travel page on Saturdays, and the reporters are supposed to take happy little day trips around Ohio and write about them. Gas, food, admission, all paid for, plus a day out of the office. Who the hell wouldn't want to do this?

And guess what? This has nothing to do with the traveling, but I'm going to enter some headlines in the Ohio AP contest. I had a few I was pretty damn proud of last year, so what the hell, right?

Gots to go read "Return of the King." I'm almost done, and then I can turn my attention to my sewing endeavors. For some reason, when I'm reading something I've never read before, I can't focus on anything else leisure-wise until I'm done with the book. I'm nuts.

FYI, spellcheck wants to change Findlay to fondle, and Mojo to moos (the Mojo change would be appropriate).

*BURN UPDATE* Yuppers, still there.

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Damn, it's no wonder I have to take a sinus pill every day. My poor body doesn't know whether it's coming or going what with the drastic temperature changes between my apartment and the newsroom! I am currently freezing my ass off, but just an hour and a half ago I was in the oven/sauna known as the Courier. Bleh.

Just got done making some minor changes to the Web site, and now I want to make major changes, but that will have to wait for another day. I need to do some outside work first.

I'm learning how to jump stories from A1 this week. My biggest concern, though, is when I actually have to choose what stories go out front. Local stories won't be a problem, because Jim & Kurt will tell me what I'm getting. It's the nation & world that concerns me! I'm pretty sure my opinion of what's important isn't the same as a lot of other people's opinions. Again I say bleh.

Fat Mojo is demanding attention, and I'm the only one awake, so I must go now.

*BURN UPDATE* I'm pretty sure my last observation was a combination of poor lighting and imagination, because it's back to being pretty clear. Stupid thing.

Sunday, January 04, 2004

As nice as it's been to have an extra day off the last two weeks, there is one good thing about the holidays being over...I may actually know what day it is at some point in the coming week. I'm not making any promises, but it could happen.

I am currently reading "Lord of the Rings" and I must say, it's pretty damn good. So far the movie seems to have stuck to the book for the most part, but Scott says that will change. That's OK though. Not everything in a book works on film.

I'm trying to get myself psyched up again to try my hand at making the Barbie doll dresses. I'm going to have to go wander through eBay again and tell myself, "You could do so much better!" Then I'll sell my stuff on eBay and get some extra money to buy the Arwen & Aragorn Barbie gift set. Or I could make sure Dave orders it now for my birthday, and use that extra money for some other frivolous thing. We'll all depends on if I actually get motivated!

I have some other crafty ideas, but I'm keeping them to myself until I do something about you may never hear of this again!

*BURN UPDATE* Pink line is still there. It may be my imagination, or poor lighting, but it looks slightly fainter.