Friday, April 23, 2004

Oh man, I wish I could tell you what I did Wednesday. It's a secret though, and I'm not sure if I'm allowed to tell yet. If the curiosity starts to kill you before I can tell, too bad! I will tell you it's work-related, but that's all you'll get from me, for now. And that I'm proud to have been a part of it.

As a treat, and totally unrelated to what I did Wednesday, I'm taking Friday off from work. Major excitement, I know. We're going to go look at some rentals and then go celebrate our friend Rob's 30th birthday. I'll probably do some dishes or something too, to add to the excitement.

You know, Mr. Haus turns 30 in July and I'm trying to figure out what to do for that. Any ideas would be appreciated (I mean party-wise, for all you gutter brains).

Talked to Kim today, and realized that I cannot have kids. I worry enough about my sister, and I can't imagine the worry involved with a child. I think I should just have lots and lots of cats.

Speaking of cats, I don't think I ever mentioned some fabulous books I read a couple months ago. Or did I? Well, I'm telling now, so if I'm repeating myself, sorry. Cat people should absolutely read "The Cat Who Went to Paris," "A Cat Abroad" and "The Cat Who'll Live Forever" by Peter Gethers. (Yes Gethers, not Gathers) Even dog people would probably enjoy them. This cat is amazing! I cannot tell you how wonderful they are. You will laugh out loud, and if you have cats, you'll probably find yourself thinking "That's just like the time ..." Oh, and you'll want some tissues for "The Cat Who'll Live Forever." Luckily I was reading it around 4 a.m. and Dave was asleep so I could bawl my eyes out without being embarrassed. Yeah, that pretty much gives things away, but you should be more prepared than I was.

And also, speaking of cats, we think the Fat Mojo may have a touch of arthritis. He's been gimping around the last few days, and at first we thought it was his paw, but after poking at him and trying to inspect the suspect paw, we think it's his shoulder. He never made a sound when I was messing with his paw, so I don't think it's hurt. I really don't want to call the vet, but I know I should. We've had that cat to Dr. Jones way too many times. Thank goodness Sugar never gets sick!

*BURN UPDATE* It hates the rain.

Monday, April 19, 2004

Kindly ignore my last post. I was mistaken. I would much rather waste more than $15,000 on renting a house over the next two years instead of buying one on the off chance that we'd have to move and sell it. I'd much rather be stuck with whatever paint, carpet, etc. a rental has. Thank you.

*BURN UPDATE* Don't ask.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Ever wanted something so bad you absolutely can't stand it? So bad that it's all you can think about? All you can talk about? I have. It's called a house. A place where every room doesn't have off-white walls and tan carpet, where you can hang something up without worrying about losing part of your deposit because of nail holes, a place that doesn't have paper thin walls so you can hear the kid next door getting her butt smacked for being bad, a place where every check for X hundreds of dollars each month goes toward owning that place. Seriously, I absolutely CANNOT stand it anymore. I want rose-colored carpet in my bedroom with a painted border of roses and vines around the top of the walls and deep green curtains - not fucking beige horizontal blinds, deep green curtains. I want space in said bedroom to have a dresser and a real bed frame, not the stupid metal frame. I want a bathroom with black and white linoleum and counters to match my kick-ass shower curtain my sister made and my kick-ass bath accessories that I made. I want room to bring up the sewing table Dad made for my sewing machine. I want walls to hang shelves for my cute kitty knick-knacks.


*BURN UPDATE* It's grouchy.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Hmmmm should I start the same way as the last one? Wow, it's been a while, huh? But that's OK. All I would have done is bitch for the most part anyway. The reason for my lack of posting is that by the time I get home from work these days, the last thing I want to do is get back on a computer. BLEH!

Anyway, we did buy a truck, and we did get my window fixed, so that's good. The truck is a 2000 Chevy Silverado 4x4, a lovely blue. It's pretty cool, but not meant for short people.

Had a fabulous time with Jen & MB last month. Went out to lunch, dyed our hair, had some drinks, did the Mary Kay thing, and I got my iron-on from MB. Haven't put it on the shirt yet, but I will eventually.

It's 4 a.m. and I'm actually getting sleepy, so that's all for now.

*BURN UPDATE* I think it's losing its power; it looks a little fainter.