Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Eh, so it's not the next day or during daylight hours, but at least it's not two weeks later. Really not much to tell anyway. A general lack of sleep, a general grouchiness, a general despair that our house will never look like two adults with real jobs live here but will always look like college frat boys live here - you know, the usual stuff.

The threat of a full moon has once again taken its wacky toll on Mojo. He had a strange fascination with Rusty's ear - the inside of it - over the weekend, and tonight he went from sitting on the chair to doing a u-turn run on the chair before dashing off like the devil was on his tail. Speaking of which, I had a dream that part of Mojo's tail broke off, kind of like how a tree branch breaks off. There wasn't any blood, just some snot-looking stuff that could have been slobber gobs from Rusty. It was a very weird dream.

And those, boys and girls, are the highlights. Unless you want to hear about all the cleaning I did this weekend, which I'm pretty sure you don't.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Hmmm, I forgot to check on this new comments thing. Let's see how it works.
So check this out: I'm blogging on high-speed cable Internet! Woo-hoo! Got it on Monday, but I've been too busy playing stupid online games at the speed of light - OK, at the speed of cable - to blog. But here I am, with pretty much nothing to say.

It's about 3:30 a.m. and I wanted to get on here sooner, but after showing Dave the Shatnerology Web site (yes, as in William Shatner) and Dave showing me how speedy this new hook-up is, Dave decided to go back to the very beginning of The Cat's Ass and read all the way up to the present. I told him that maybe if he read this even once a week he wouldn't need so much time to go through it, but I don't think he was listening. There was only one thing I was embarrassed for him to read, and it was my rant about wanting to buy a house. Oh well, it's how I felt, so tough!

Went to the dentist today, and we're all done with fillings - at least for now. Thank goodness! I had an awful lot of trouble drinking my coffee when I got home, due to the numbness, and managed to spit out a mouthful of coffee instead of swallowing it. Not pretty. Amusing, but definitely not pretty.

And speaking of the dentist, Have I mentioned that I now have dental insurance? Well, Dave does anyway, and I'm covered too, and it's some pretty good coverage. Now if somebody would just give us vision coverage, we'd be all set...

Well, that's about it. I'm just not in a writing mood, so maybe more tomorrow - and maybe during daylight since the phone won't be tied up anymore!!