Saturday, November 04, 2006


I had a lovely long rant all written out, ready to be posted, but after conversations with my boss and Dave, I changed my mind a bit. I'm still quite pissed about my treatment by a friend, but I've decided to assume that, similar to that song by Lonestar, it was just the crazy talking. I guess I just sit back and hope that instead of trying to handle it alone, professional help is sought. And if not, well, I've taken all the abuse I care to take, so count me out.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

This bi-polar post brought to you by Crazytown

So many things bouncing around in my head, and instead of choosing one, I'm going to cram a few in here. I think we'll get the bitchiness and nastiness over with first.

It's very enjoyable to call up a friend to check up on them and have them call you a whore and hang up on you. I really wish my friends would do that more often, especially when I'm doing everything I can to help them out. Whatever. I've done my best, and maybe someday they'll fucking figure that out.

Next up: The people who send you forwards about politics, religion, immigrants, gay people, all kinds of stuff without bothering to stop and think about how offended you may be by these e-mails. People, if you aren't 100% sure what someone thinks about certain topics, don't send that crap. Not everyone thinks all immigrants should get the hell out, not everyone thinks that giving gay people THE SAME RIGHTS that straight people have will make the world implode, not everyone wants to get that sappy drivel about the notecards filed in heaven, not everyone thinks that all Muslims are evil. Seriously, WTF?

On a more cheerful note, Tasha and Jeff were in town over the weekend for BGSU's homecoming, and I got to spend most of my Saturday with them. So much fun! I didn't make it up there in time to go to the BGNews tent, but that's OK. Maybe next year. Anyway, the three of us had dinner at Easy Street and then Jeff & I went to Beckett's to shoot pool while Tasha went back to the hotel to take a nap, leaving us without a car.

Not too far into things I took a step back away from the table after a shot and the heel on my left shoe broke. That sucks, of course, but the thing that really pissed me off was that I had bought the shoes less than three hours before! Luckily Dave was up that way watching football, so I called him and he came and took us to the mall so I could buy yet another pair of shoes. Then he dropped us back off at Beckett's, and we waited for Tasha.

When Tasha got there we played some more pool, then we went to Downtown, which was a mistake because there were waaaaaaaaaay too many people there. We did run into our friend Bailey, but we still left after one drink and went to BW3 to eat again. Then we hung out in their hotel room for a little while, and I headed home. I know it doesn't sound too exciting, but we laughed a lot and got to catch up, so it was a good time.

Oh, and Sunday I took the evil broken shoes back and they let me exchange them. I was going to get a different style, but I really liked the ones that broke, so I went with those again. I'll just have to walk verrrrrrrry carefully and not take any steps backwards I guess.

Well, I must go vacuum up the pet dander and spray things down with allergen-reducing Febreze for allergy man, so I'm outta here.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Something to sneeze at

I told MB I'd tell Vegas stories, didn't I? That's funny, because I don't have any wild or crazy ones, or even ones people might find interesting. Oh well, you can skip them if you want.

We stayed at the Imperial Palace, and you know what? They really give you the feeling that they just don't give a damn since the place is being torn down in a year or whatever. If you're going to Vegas before the Palace is torn down, I would recommend that you do not stay there. I can't even give an example of the lack of caring, it was just the whole experience.

The monorail, which wasn't built yet the last time we were out, is great! $15 for a 24-hour pass, it goes up and down the strip, it's air conditioned, you don't have to fight strip traffic or pay an arm and a leg for a taxi ... like I said, it's great!

The wedding went off without a hitch, the bride and groom looked beautiful, the chapel was nice, the minister was jolly, the photographer was kind of wacky, and I got to show my boobs to Las Vegas. I think the word Joy used to describe the bridesmaids' dresses was "boobilicious," and they sure were! But that's OK, it was Vegas!

Dave and I ate dinner at Toby Keith's I Love This Bar & Grill at Harrah's, and I was in heaven. Toby Keith = awesome, and his music was everywhere, and there was a gift shop, and the food was good, so we'll definitely be going there the next time we're in LV.

We also went to the Star Trek Experience at the Hilton, and that was pretty neat. It's kind of expensive, but there's lots of memorabilia to look at and there are two short show kind of things to do. And, of course, a gift shop. Even if you're not a hard-core Trekkie but like the shows, I think it's worth doing.

The last time we were in LV I got a (fake diamond) ring at the Scarab Shop in the Luxor, and I got one this past time, too. I've decided that that's going to be my LV "thing," getting a ring at that shop whenever we're there. How girly!

OK, that was August ... last month Kim, Mom and I went to the Yankee Peddler festival thingy, and that was pretty fun. So many cool crafty things! Pottery, jewelry, metalworks, herbs, candles ... I spent a good chunk of change, but I did actually restrain myself. We've decided to make it an annual outing, but if the bagpiper stalks us again next fall, I'm going to have to take him out.

Also last month Dave finally went to an allergist, which is where the title of this post comes in. He woke up unable to breathe several weeks ago, and thought maybe he should see somebody. (I won't point out that when he got his FULL health coverage a couple years ago I suggested visiting an allergist.) As it turns out, Dave's not just allergic to grass or some plants; he maybe should be living in a bubble. The list is: trees - elm, ash, walnut, pines and cotwood (cottonwood?); weeds - cockelbur, ragweed, pig weed, mugwort, English plantain, marsh elder, Russian thistle, and a couple abbreviated things that I can't figure out; dust mites; and, are you ready for this? Dogs (a little) and cats (a lot)!

How fun is that? (not very) I'm trying to do better at cleaning the house, but it's not working all that well. The animals are no longer allowed in our bedroom, and the cats are PISSED OFF about that one, let me tell you. And Dave now has to take medicine and has to get shots for the next five years. He has to get one in each arm once a week, but I guess the frequency will lessen over time. But then, when it's all done, hopefully he'll be immune to the allergens.

In less interesting news, I won a gourd-decorating contest at work. I may get around to taking a picture of it sometime, and if I do, I'll post it so you can marvel at the pathetic-ness that is my artistic ability.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Please, just tell me what to do

Because I am so afraid of doing the wrong thing, or not acting fast enough, or saying the one wrong thing that creates the horrible opposite outcome of what I'm reaching for. What if I've already said it? What if my phone call is made a day too late? Or even an hour? How would I live with that failure for the rest of my life? I've already been told that I can't shoulder that responsibility, no matter the outcome, and I know logically that that is true, but how logical are we in a tragedy? For the love of Jebus, won't somebody tell me what to do?

Sunday, August 20, 2006

You know who you are

Confidential to the one who called me at 2 a.m.:

Your life is not ruined, and you will get through this, no matter how it turns out. I will help you, even though I'm far away.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Shot through the heart

A bulleted list just for you:
  • Dave is officially Dr. Dave, as he graduated on Aug. 5.
  • I got drunk at his graduation party and "went to bed" early.
  • Had lunch at Spot's in BG and hung out with Jeff last Friday, who was in town from San Jose. Next time you see/talk to him, tell him "Power down, bitch!"
  • Our newest copy editor quit, so we're looking again. Boo.
  • We've made a decision of sorts that I'm pretty happy about, but would most likely disappoint many other people, so guess what? Not telling.
  • Both of us turned a year older last month. I guess I'm weird since most people freak out at the big 2-9, but really, it's just another year like any other. Most days I feel way older than I am, so what's the big deal?
  • Joy's wedding shower was last weekend, and it was fun!
  • We leave for Las Vegas in a week for Joy & Rodney's wedding, and I can't wait! I tried to get her to get married by Elvis, but she said no.
  • Still looking at houses, keeping an eye on the ones that interest me, hoping to be able to get serious about buying relatively soon.
  • Have a few pictures from Amy & Joe's wedding, and Dave's graduation, that I may get around to putting up sometime in the next year.
  • Going to IKEA with Joy tomorrow, and I'm really looking forward to it. I've heard of the wonders of IKEA, but until recently there wasn't one close enough to us.
  • I used the last of the coffee this morning, so Findlay had better hope Dave brings some home with him tonight, or it ain't gonna be pretty.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

It's official!

Dave successfully defended his dissertation this morning! Woo-hoo! Time to start planning the par-tay!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Holy shitballs!*

Group shot
Originally uploaded by Dani H..
*used with permission from Nadia

That was Nadia's reaction when I told her that Dave had finished his dissertation, and I think it sums up what everyone else probably thought. So yeah, it's done, and he defends it on June 15. Then, assuming that no one has shit in their oatmeal that morning and takes it out on Dave and doesn't pass him, he'll graduate in August. And no, I don't have to call him Dr. Haus after that, but the rest of you do.

In other news, we married off Dave's sister, Amy, over Memorial Day weekend. It was a fucking hot day -- OK, let's be honest, the whole week we were there was a fucking hot week -- but the wedding was nice and everyone had a good time. Pictures from the reception (and, finally, from Carmen's party) are up at Flickr.

Actually, I should say both weddings were nice. Yes, both weddings. One in the Catholic church on Saturday and one at the horticultural center in Philadelphia on Sunday. Long story short: priest not allowed to do a wedding at the center per the diocese, they "had" to get married in the church, ergo two weddings.

Which is why I say Catholics, they are crazy. Sure, I married one. Some of my best friends are Catholic. But that religion is full of a whole lot of crap.

Moving on, we went to wedding in *gasp* Michigan over the weekend. Dave's friend Matt got married, and there are a few (blurry) picture from that one, too.

Gots to go refill my coffe cup, so I'm outta here.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Long day

But a good day. Time with Mom & Dad, then par-tay with Carmen, Frost & Bailey. Too sleepy to write more now. Pictures later.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Sad news

April was a sucky month, so I'm glad it's over. Dave's best friend, Ed, died on April 21. We went out to PA for the services, and Dave was a pallbearer, and it all just sucked. Ed was a super nice guy and should have been around for a lot longer than 39 years.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

The one where I ramble

I had a list in my head of things to include in this post, and wouldn't you know, I forgot to remember what was on the list.

I know that my running into Jason who was in Iraq was on the list. Medium story short: saw him at BW3 in BG last month, much hugging and happiness, now have his cell number and know where he's living. Hooray! Also have the other Jason's cell number. Another hooray!

Went to a bead show in the Cleveland area with Joy last weekend. Well, it was more of a gem show, which we weren't expecting, but we did manage to find some things to buy. Had lunch in Berea before hitting the fairgrounds, which we don't get to do much anymore, so that was nice. Also had ourselves in hysterics on the way there telling fart stories. I admit it - gas makes me laugh.

I put a bunch of pictures on Flickr - old pictures! Like, from age 4 or so on up. Tons more to scan and upload, but knowing me, that won't happen any time soon. Now that I've said that though, I'm eyeing the scanner (buried under a big stack of Dave's papers) and thinking how it looks like it wants to work. Maybe.

I've got to find someone to alter my bridesmaids dresses ASAP. I've got a month and a half before Amy's, but I need to find someone with a quick turnaround time. I'll still be dieting and losing for Joy's wedding in August, so I don't really want to have it altered like a month before.

Speaking of the diet, I've lost 17 pounds, which is the most I've ever lost in one dieting stretch. I had to go buy new work pants and a pair of jeans b/c all the others were either too big or still a bit too small yet. A third hooray! When I hit the -25 mark, as a reward I'm going to color my hair. I don't know what color though. Maybe darker with some red in it. Dunno. Any suggestions?

OK, off to take in some more nice weather before the sun goes down. Let's just hope the neighbors leave us alone.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

All quiet now, except for that music

Kim & Charles' wedding day
Originally uploaded by Dani H..

Hmm, it's been over a month. So many things to tell.

As you can see, my sister got married on March 9; they didn't tell anyone they were doing this, so I had a brother-in-law for two days and didn't know it. Do you think she'll still let me drag her to a bridal shop to try on gowns?

My grandpa had knee surgery on March 6, which should have been a simple thing, but then some bad things were going on with his stomach, so he was in the hospital for a week. Bad times for everyone, especiall him, obviously, but he's home now.

I have two bridesmaids dresses hanging up downstairs, and guess what? Neither fits right. But it was planned that way, kind of, because I'm dieting to make them fit. No, it's not stupid to do that - I've lost 11.5 pounds so shut up! They'll have to be altered anyway because I'm too short and, well, when you diet the boobs are the first place you lose, so the tops are too big. But I foresee things working out splendidly. And I bought my shoes for both yesterday (1 pair for both, thank you ladies!) and they're pretty cute. So, hooray!

On the grouchier side, work's been a serious pain in my ass and there are certain people that I'd really like to punch, but they frown on that, you know. Especially the ones who float along and don't have a clue what they're doing and then get praise piled on them for something I helped create. Nice.

But you know what? I'll get over it. I bust my ass regardless of whether it gets noticed, and I know it, and that's what matters.

Last night we went to the DAV with Joy and Rodney and caught up. We were going to play pool, but never got around to it, we were so busy babbling. Which reminds me, Dave is in their wedding too, which is in Vegas! Yay Vegas!

The other wedding is my sister-in-law's wedding, have I mentioned that before? I can't remember. So we'll head to Philly in May and Vegas in August. Much traveling for us.

And now, after spending hours uploading (downloading? which way would that go?) songs, I'm listening to Gary Allan on my new iPod nano. Before that it was Dean Martin. I wasn't sure about this little thing yesterday, but now I'm seeing how great it will be.

Garth in my ear while I'm doing dishes!

Frank in my ear while I'm doing laundry!

Jon in my ear while I'm working!

That's Brooks, Sinatra and Bon Jovi for the confused among us.

OH! Long Day - Matchbox Twenty - makes me think of BGSU. I'm a weenie, so I'm outta here.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Thinking back

Originally uploaded by Dani H..
I've pretty much had only one thing on my mind for, well, not quite a month. A girl I graduated from high school with, Christina (Fricke) Irvin, was in a very bad car accident on Jan. 12, and she died on Jan. 27.

We weren't in touch anymore, but we were friends in middle and high school, so it's just so weird to think that she's gone. Especially since I saw her and Brett at the reunion in August. My brain just doesn't want to fully get it.

But I don't want to sit here and get upset. Thinking about Chris prompted me to haul out the photo albums, and I was happy to find that I have more photos of her, and several of my old friends, than I realized. And even though seeing the photos made me a little sad, it also made me happy to think waaaaaaaaaay back to our days at Olentangy High School and the fun that was had.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

It's killing me

The weather, that is. If I could scoop my sinuses out with a spoon, I totally would. It's nice to have 50-degree days in January and all, but the huge changes in temperature make me want to pop my eyes out with the aforementioned spoon.

In other illness news, Dave thinks he may have bronchitis, so he's going to the doctor tomorrow. Let's just hope it's a regular old nasty chest cold, because either way, you know I'm going to get it too. Especially since Dave tends to be a human blanket while sleeping so he probably breathed a bunch of germs on me last night.

Let's see, what's been going on around here? Oh, that's right, nothing. We are boring. We did go down to my parents' house Saturday for the Pammer's birthday, which was fun. Kim & Charles were there too, which was nice.

On Sunday we went to a cat show in Toledo, which also was fun. So many pretty kitties and I couldn't pet any of them. But I did get to see a Scottish fold up close, which was awesome! They are so adorable I almost can't bear it! When it's time to add a new kitty to the flock, that's what I want, and it's all because of this guy.

That's about it, really. We have a new editor starting on Monday, so hopefully the stress will abate in the near future.

My coffee's cold, so I'm outta here.