Saturday, October 23, 2004

Vacations are nice, even if all you do is laze around the house. I took Wednesday and Friday off (I have Thursdays and Saturdays off), and to be quite honest, I haven't done a whole hell of a lot. I've worked on Dave's Halloween costume, drunk (drank?) a lot of coffee, played mosh pit with the dog, and kicked the computer's ass at a Scrabble-esque game. It's fun to be lazy! And for now, I can thread my sewing machine and refill a bobbin without looking at the owner's manual - now that's progress!

I have to say, I'm pretty proud of the big flowy robe for Dave's costume, but the pants are a disappointment. In the picture on the pattern envelope, it shows a guy in this tunic/pants ensemble, a la Star Wars or something, and the pants look normal. On Dave's pants, however, the crotch is at the knees. Explain this to me! I cut out the pieces following the pattern, I followed all the directions, and I now have pants for someone with legs a foot long and a torso that's like three feet long. WTF?? I'm dreading starting the tunic tomorrow, because who knows what that'll end up looking like.

Mom was telling me funny stories about her work today, and one of them required her to say a naughty word! Well, I think it's a naughty word some kid made up (have you ever called someone a fuckwad?), but that actually made it even funnier! Pammy doesn't cuss the way, say, I do, so it makes me giggle when she does.

Yeah, I've got problems. But I'm on vacation for one more day, so who cares?

*BURN UPDATE* It wants to surf the Net.

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Monday, October 18, 2004

This was quite the interesting day. Nothing out of the ordinary for most of the day, but we discovered an AP photo of John Kerry campaigning in Xenia holding up a copy of the Courier. There was a big brouhaha last week regarding something John Snow said during a visit to Findlay, and the Dems picked it up and ran with it. If you want to read about it, go to the Courier Web site and look at last Tuesday or Wednesday's stories (I don't remember which day it was). Anyway, we put the picture on the front page for today's paper with a happy little campaign roundup story.

After the paper was out, I was cruising the Courier's public forum on the Web site, and discovered that some chicken-shit anonymous person posted the address for my Web site on the forum. I can't figure out why, though. I rarely post anything on there, and as far as I know I haven't severely pissed anyone off. I find it amusing that this person didn't have the nerve to put their name with their trickery. Grow up! But I figure hey, maybe my fanbase will double to six!

So, I head home, hoping to catch a few minutes of the Yankees/Red Sox game *cough cough* lucky bastards *cough cough* to discover that Mojo had peed all over Dave because one of his friends was here and demanded to see Mojo. Dave tried to take Mojo downstairs and Mojo got scared and peed all over and then went and hid. Anyway, I get home to discover that we have to give poor Mojo a bath because he was soaking wet and stinky and yucky. I ended up basically taking a bath with him, because he fought more than he's ever fought when we've had to give him a bath. It's madness, madness I tell you!

After that, I had to shower and get all the Mojo fur off me. Then I worked on the site to make my new friends feel welcome and to update some of the info, and here I am.

I have to tell you, I am so freaking psyched about going to see keith urban next month! I've been listening to "Golden Road" over and over and over, and it kicks my ass! I've got to go out and get his other two CDs so I can sing along to those too. But I'm telling you, if you buy one CD this year (what's left of it, anyway) it should be "Golden Road." DO IT! No, shhhh, just buy it, I don't care if you don't like country music. Buy it.

Oh, something else. Certain women in my life have told me that I have a northwest Ohio accent. To them I say Shut It. I refuse to believe it. But I still love you.

*BURN UPDATE* It's dreading that nasty s-word: SNOW

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Friday, October 15, 2004

Oh, good god, the next time someone hears me say I'm going to make something out of velvet, shake me and remind me of Dave's Halloween costume, OK? It's almost done, thanks to phone help from the Pammer, but it has been a BITCH! As Dave likes to say about things, it's been at least a 100 effer (as in f---er) project. Now all I have to do is hem the robe, and that part is done. Then the hat, and then I can move on to nice smooth silk (or silk-wannabe, I'm not sure). Probably not easy either, but at least it won't be velvet. But the robe looks pretty kick-ass, and quite Dumbledore-esque, so I'm happy.

I have such the love-hate relationship with sewing. I get severely pissed off while sewing, but I keep going because I'm usually pretty proud of the finished product. And non-sewers are always so impressed, even with crap work, so that's nice too.

When everything is finished, I'll make Dave model and post some pictures on the site. I think I'll also post pictures of some of my other crafty accomplishments, like my jewelry that I'm so proud of and my cute bathroom accessories, and who knows what else. I've become a bit crafty in the past couple of years. I just don't have enough time to do much. >:o

Well, I'm going to go doctor some pics for my fez page. If you wind up on there and don't like it I guess I'll take it down, but I'll probably call you a crybaby first.

*BURN UPDATE* It wants to kill the sewing machine.

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Friday, October 08, 2004

Hey look everyone, I'm awake before noon! I've actually been up since 8 a.m., can you believe it? We took Rusty to the vet to get his distemper and bordatella (sp?) vaccines bright and early...blech! We also ordered tickets to the keith urban concert in Columbus next month! Woo-hoo! I bought his second album earlier this week, and I must say, I like it an awful lot. I'm listening to it now, in fact.

I also took a second jewelry-making class with Joy last night. We made earrings this time, and it was pretty fun, despite the complete bitch that sat next to me. I asked her to switch seats so I could sit across from Joy so that Joy and I could share a bead tray, and you would have thought I'd asked the lady to leave or if I could kick her cat or something. Geez, all you have to do is stand up, take three steps to the left and sit down again. Is it really that big of a deal?

Speaking of bitches, I read MB's blog a little bit ago, and I just can't believe what a bunch of idiots there are in the world. People are apparently sending her nasty e-mails telling her they're tired of reading about her being pregnant and pregnancy-related things. Um, it's her blog! And generally when you have a blog where you write about your life and you get pregnant, since that's a part of you life, you're going to write about it! I write about the stupid animals a lot, and if you don't like it, then go away. It's that simple. So, MB, you rock on and write about SupaMojo/The Beaner and tell those jerks where they can go. People are just assholes!

On that note, I'm going to go play Mah Jong. Keep an eye on the Web site for a new page I'm hoping to add soon: Things I found in my flower beds. It might be interesting or it might be stupid. We'll see.

*BURN UPDATE* It's disgusted that Rusty threw up in the car on the way home from the vet.

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