Friday, November 18, 2005

Midnight show

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: BEST ONE YET.

That is all.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Purse meme

Bottomless pit
Originally uploaded by Dani H..
MB did this ages ago, but I'm just getting around to it. Here's what was in my lovely floral soccer-mom purse, which still has the admittance tag from a bead show over the summer:

Large pink comb with rubberband, headband, wallet full of papers and photos, contact solution and eye drops, loose change (85 cents, I think), gum given out at the county fair, warm vanilla sugar hand sanitizer, coconut lime verbena lotion, cell phone, band aids (from a bowling alley in Akron), physical therapy appointment card, Excedrin migrain, Pamprin bottle with Aleve also in it, two Aleve cold & sinus pills, pack of gum & IHOP mints, receipts, another appointment card and some random papers, Kleenex, stuff from the Titanic exhibit at COSI in Columbus, gift cards, coffee shop stamp card with license, debit card & insurance card hidden underneath, matches, mints & pens taken from hotels, a thank you card from the former intern at work, too many lip things, Burt's Bees lemon butter cuticle cream, a notepad, oil-absorbing sheets, and two fortune cookies.

I bought a new purse a week ago, and no, not everything here was transferred - but most of it was.

On a roll

I was concerned that my three-day streak of wanting to sit in the bathroom and bawl my eyes out would end Wednesday, but I really shouldn't have been concerned. I was ready to do that after being at work maybe two hours, which really isn't a very good thing.

I don't even want to talk about it, it disgusts me and upsets me so much, and I'm pretty sure that not many people would get it. I'm sure I'd just be pegged as being overly dramatic and having "poor me" syndrome.

It's almost like a conspiracy to drive me completely over the edge. It's almost like an extension of home. Yeah, chew on that for a while and see if you can figure it out. I bet some of you can.

Our new sixth editor that I absolutely adored (and still do of course, but:) left us and we've been four days without her and it already sucks even more than I remember it sucking before she was here. So Sarah, if you happen to read this, please, please please come back!

But, you know, it's not just work that feeds the need for the fetal position.

Editor's note: This was written last night, and while I'm still stressed out, I'm off today and feel a bit better. I'm going to do the purse meme in a bit to cheer myself up.