Saturday, April 15, 2006

The one where I ramble

I had a list in my head of things to include in this post, and wouldn't you know, I forgot to remember what was on the list.

I know that my running into Jason who was in Iraq was on the list. Medium story short: saw him at BW3 in BG last month, much hugging and happiness, now have his cell number and know where he's living. Hooray! Also have the other Jason's cell number. Another hooray!

Went to a bead show in the Cleveland area with Joy last weekend. Well, it was more of a gem show, which we weren't expecting, but we did manage to find some things to buy. Had lunch in Berea before hitting the fairgrounds, which we don't get to do much anymore, so that was nice. Also had ourselves in hysterics on the way there telling fart stories. I admit it - gas makes me laugh.

I put a bunch of pictures on Flickr - old pictures! Like, from age 4 or so on up. Tons more to scan and upload, but knowing me, that won't happen any time soon. Now that I've said that though, I'm eyeing the scanner (buried under a big stack of Dave's papers) and thinking how it looks like it wants to work. Maybe.

I've got to find someone to alter my bridesmaids dresses ASAP. I've got a month and a half before Amy's, but I need to find someone with a quick turnaround time. I'll still be dieting and losing for Joy's wedding in August, so I don't really want to have it altered like a month before.

Speaking of the diet, I've lost 17 pounds, which is the most I've ever lost in one dieting stretch. I had to go buy new work pants and a pair of jeans b/c all the others were either too big or still a bit too small yet. A third hooray! When I hit the -25 mark, as a reward I'm going to color my hair. I don't know what color though. Maybe darker with some red in it. Dunno. Any suggestions?

OK, off to take in some more nice weather before the sun goes down. Let's just hope the neighbors leave us alone.